A Guide to Wearing Cozy Cold Weather Staples: Chunky Sweaters

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Finding a stylish way to wear chunky sweaters can sometimes be a challenge. Depending on fit and style there are so many ways to mix and match them. Here's a foolproof guide to wearing those cozy sweaters that we all know and love. 

Math: The Universal Language

For those of you who maybe didn't know - math is everything.While you might be moaning and groaning (trust me you're not alone), it's simply something that we have to endure if we ever want to land a job in any field of the industry. Retail math is something that is used throughout the workforce from buyers to retail management. A series of equations and ratios, retail math is used to determine how fast inventory is selling, if the product you're selling produced a profit, and which products (or departments) have the greatest impact on sales.